Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Odor Controller


Sweating is your body’s mechanism to cool down. The average person has about 2.6 million sweat glands, and sweat glands come in two types: eccrine (hands, feet) and apocrine. Apocrine glands are found in your arm pits and in your genital area. The apocrine glands usually end in hair follicles and become active during puberty. This is why babies tend to not be funky. The sweat produced by the apocrine glands contains proteins and fatty acids.

Sweat has no odor; the familiar unpleasant odor is caused by bacteria that live on our skin and hair. These bacteria metabolize the proteins and fatty acids from our apocrine sweat, causing body odor.

The difference between deodorants and antiperspirants is; deodorants deal with the smell by neutralizing it and by killing the bacteria that metabolize the proteins and fatty acids, while antiperspirants try to prevent sweating by blocking the pores using aluminum. Without sweat, the bacteria cannot metabolize proteins and fatty acids that cause body odor.
Antiperspirants are products that try to prevent sweating by using aluminum. However, most antiperspirants also have a deodorizing component. So deodorants cut the smell and antiperspirants stop you from sweating. Make your choice about what you want to use. My question is where is that sweat going when blocked?

It might be a surprise to learn that the antiperspirant you use daily is in fact an over-the-counter (OTC) drug. As mentioned, Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores with aluminum salts in order to prevent the release of sweat, effectively changing the function of the body. Antiperspirants are considered to be drugs because they affect the physiology of the body.

Deodorants and antiperspirants can allegedly cause breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Please be mindful that men have breast too, and can get breast cancer. Benign side effects of deodorants and antiperspirants are skin irritation and allergies, but more serious dangers of deodorants can be acute dermatitis.

An alleged danger of deodorants is that they could cause Alzheimer's disease due to the fact that they contain Aluminum salts such as Aluminum Chlorhydrate (to close the pores), and that the brains of Alzheimer's patients contain high levels of toxic Aluminum. In 1993, the World Health Organization stated that there is a suspected link between Alzheimer's disease and the toxicity of Aluminum. The long term side effects of the use of Aluminum in antiperspirants might be responsible for the tangles and plaques in the brain of Alzheimer patients.

So what can we do for prevention? Some Lucky folks don’t sweat. They don’t need this build. Some folks choose to not use deodorant/antiperspirant at all. But, the people in your cipher might object to you smelling like onions. Cutting the hair from your armpits will aid in the liquid sweat retention. You could use alcohol. But that only works for a few hours. You’d need to carry some with you to freshen up. Or… You can make your own deodorant with natural products.

Precise has been making his own deodorant for the last 2.5 years and is generous enough to share his recipe....


This is one of those health related subjects that most people take for granted. Underarm deodorant. Really? Yeah! Like most other things you have to be mindful of the ingredients of your deodorant/antiperspirant or you might find yourself on the wrong side of a bad reaction. Read on if you want to find out how this can affect or has already affected you. Don't be too alarmed though, as I'm going to include a solution that is both cost effective and easy to prepare all by yourself.

Now on the surface you might ask yourself, "What could possibly be wrong with deodorant?" Well, people are different and different body chemistry could cause one person to have an allergic reaction to something that test subjects or even the average person does not. You ultimately have to find out what works for you. I remember my first experience with deodorant (Speed Stick) as a child and got a bad rash around my armpits. After that I tried various products until I found one that didn't burn. Then I got the nasty orange ring on my Tee-Shirts. After that I tried the "clear" gels. Didn't notice any particular problems with that so
that's what I used until I met my Earth many years later. She told me about one particular ingredient in deodorants that appears to cause many people problems. ALUMINUM!

Aluminum is a natural element (metal) and is one of the key ingredients in antiperspirant. Aluminum crystals are used as a deodorizer. In some people there seems to be an allergic response and can cause various health issues ranging from Kidney problems to Breast Cancer to Alzheimer's Disease. Research on whether Aluminum in antiperspirants can cause these problems is still inconclusive. Either way, knowing the potential risk the ingredients in both antiperspirants and deodorants can cause, got me looking into alternatives. I went through the Internet and found several dozen recipes for DIY underarm deodorants. From those I chose one that satisfied my own personal needs.

Here is the recipe for the deodorant I make:

Below is a picture of the different things you'll need. (D1) Coconut Oil, Corn Starch, Baking Soda, Scented Natural Oil, Cocoa Butter & Tee Tree Oil.

Start out with 1/2 cup of Backing Soda and 1/2 cup of Corn Starch (D2) Baking Soda works as a deodorizer and the Corn Starch works as an antiperspirant.

Then put in 1/4 cup of pure Cocoa Butter (D3) Cocoa Butter is a natural skin moisturizer

Next, put in a few drops of your favorite Natural oil (the one I use is called "Earth") (D4)

Next, put in about 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil (D5) Tee Tree Oil is a natural anti fungal, disinfectant and antiseptic. This makes Tee Tree Oil a great odor fighter.

The last ingredient is the most difficult to get the right amount. Start out with a tablespoon of coconut oil (I melt mine first). (D6) Coconut oil can be used as a deodorizer and skin conditioner.

Add some heat to the mixture. If the cocoa butter and coconut oil is enough, the mixture will turn to a thick paste. Go slowly because if you put in too much coconut oil the mixture will always be runny even in cooler ambient temperatures. Furthermore if it's too runny the coconut oil will separate and leak out of the deodorant container..... so be careful. (D7)

The coconut oil will remain solid up to about 76F degrees (D8)

Once you have a nice thick paste, put the paste in one of your old deodorant dispensers. The recipe will normally fill two of them. (D9, D10)

Put the full containers in the refrigerator for an hour or more.

Now you have deodorant to last you at least a year and if you keep your ingredients you won't need any more deodorant for a long time. It's all natural and hopefully you won't have any allergic reactions to anything in the mixture. If you do then remove that particular ingredient from the mixture and look for a substitute. My Earth has an allergy to Tee Tree Oil, so when I make hers I leave it out. With this article you now have enough info to do your own research and perhaps come up with your own healthy and safe recipe to help fight the underarm smellies.

Precise Infinite Peace Allah

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