Thursday, May 26, 2016

Some things are growing....


I know this garden is gonna be an ongoing process. Some of the seeds I planted are up and looking healthy. Some aren't. I planted the seeds about 2 weeks ago.

5/6 bean plants are growing and 4/6 cucumbers are growing. I'm not mad. The weather has been all over the place. Hot/cool... It dropped down to the 50's last week. I might add a store bought cuke plant. All I planted were lemon cucumbers. I don't really like cucumbers (the 7 does), but I think I'd like lemon ones. The God is funny about food so I should really plant something he'd recognize. I brought home a chayote and he won't touch it. And a home grown cucumber tastes COMPLETELY different than store bought ones.

The fleshy tomatoes have budded. I put in a store bought tomato plant for contrast. Since this is my 1st bale garden, idk if I've overloaded the bale. We shall see....

None of the cherry tomatoes are doing anything. 

The peppers look like they might be trying to come up. The fish peppers are starting to peek through. The chocolate bell peppers are doing nothing!!! Nothing at all! But since the fish peppers are slow,  I'm a wait And see if they come up for a few more weeks. If not, I have other seeds to plant like squash and eggplant.

I have a shady bale for collards kale and cabbage. In NJ, where I'm from, people grew cabbage, collards and kale in their backyards all summer long. It was one of the only things they could grow in the yard from seed. The growing season is short and Jersey doesn't get hot like that. But NJ is the garden state? Maybe just South Jersey

I planted more cherry tomatoes, lettuce and basil. According to the books, tomatoes should be started indoors and transplanted. That's not the way my aunt or grandmother grew them. They used seeds and still ate tomatoes. Using bales and miracle grow that is supposed to hold water should give them the advantage, right? Plus, Those bales are really moist inside.

I still have 2 bales that I have no idea what to plant in them. Plus.... I haven't planted my corn or carrots. Those have to go in the ground. I have a spot for them but just haven't gotten around to tilling the ground. It's pure laziness. I'm over there every day. Just not with a shovel. Now the plot is overgrown. Maybe I can get the God to aid me.

It's supposed to be hot in the next few days here in GA. I've decided to water twice a day: morning and evening. Unless it rains.


Saturday, May 14, 2016



I'm a bit late getting my post on. That's because I've been late getting my garden on. I guess gardening is not for the lazy... My aunt and grandmother both kept gardens. My aunt's garden was METICULOUS. All rows were nice and neat... Everything was perfect. My grandmother's garden was different all together. She would plant very haphazardly and there was a point where she would stop maintaining. She said that gardens are like children, you get them to a point then they are on their own. My aunt's garden didn't produce any more because it was tidy. My grandmother's didn't produce any less because it was messy. I'm somewhere in the middle.

I really should have planted a week ago... But life happened. I spent a week with my mother in SC. That was a delay... When I came back, I just didn't want to do it. But I have spent a lot of energy on this garden already and I wasn't ready to let it all go to shit. I planted 5/14/2016.

I got most of my seed from Most of what I planted are heirloom. I say most because I've had issues with them in the past. This is their last chance. If these seeds don't do well, I'm not ordering from them again. Especially since this bale business is supposed to be the shit. And those seeds are expensive! I guess they have to pay for that magazine they call a catalog...

I had originally planned for 15 bales, I bumped it down to 10. I think 10 is a lot. I don't have enough to fill all ten. Right now I planted 6. I'm headed off tot the store purchase some additional seeds.
