Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dressing Green

Apparently I'm on a roll today. Enjoy it while you can.

I was reading a blog by a fellow raw foodist. (I'm a raw foodist for a now) And she was saying that she bought some clothes that were made of hemp and that she felt wonderful and was never going to wear non-green clothes again. That got me to thinking.

Years ago, I made the conscious (pun intended) decision to stop wearing synthetic fibers. I slowly converted my wardrobe to all cot ten, rayon, silk or anything natural. I would wear hemp, but I work a square job. I'm already partially hippie, I ain't trying to become a full fledged homeless hippie. I was curious to what she wears regularly.

I stopped wearing synthetic fibers years ago because they screw with my skin. My skin can't breath like it needs too. Also I noticed the cleaner my diet was, the less tolerant I am to synthetic fibers. So why not just give them the boot? My wardrobe is now about 90% natural. Bras are made with polyester; and I can't go bra less. Ain't that much of a hippie.

I'm a big thrift store shopper, too. I learned years ago that folks think me affluent. So I can wear knock offs and people will think they are legit. In the end isn't the goal you being cool with it and folks not aggravating you?

Then I make about 1/2 my clothes. This is how I get to be so picky about what they are made of. I think my closet is very environmentally conscious.

So what do y'all do? Do you give thought to the chemical composition of the garments that adorn your back?


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