Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Toilet Paper?

know I said I was gonna do better with this blog, And this is me doing better. I can't always think of more ways to be crunchy. And the people in my cipher are so clueless, just to get them to do the basics is hard. So I post when something hits me. Today something did.

I saw an add for recycled toilet paper. That's nasty. Do the manufactures know where toilet paper goes? Do we know where the paper is coming from? I assume it's not other toilet paper because other toilet paper gets destroyed through the flushing process. I know I advocate greeness but I cannot say that I start wiping with used toilet paper. I use single ply. It's cheaper and uses less paper.

I think of my parents' stories of using an outhouse and wiping their asses with pieces of the Sears-Roebuck catalog. Toilet paper in the 40's was a luxury. SMH. But at least they were recycling and reusing. I wonder what happened when they ran out of catalogs?

Are y'all willing to use used toilet paper to save the environment?


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