Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Minor Setbacks


So far my garden is a bust. None of my fancy organic GMO seeds grew past the germinating stage. Not even the basil. I have been growing basil for years and never had a problem with it. I suspect the starter soil is the reason behind my problems. I bought it because the store didn’t have the brand I normally get. This was all they had and it was cheaper. The baggie method didn’t work either and left me with a lot of moldy paper towels. All is not lost though. I still plan to move forward. Just gonna switch gears a bit.

First…. I finally got the god to cut the grass in the lawn where I will put the garden. It was harder than pulling teeth! Now I have to get him to dig the trenches where the plants will go. Why does it have to be like this? He’s home all day and will be eating the food too. I want him to take an interest in the garden. Maybe he is waiting for me to help. I only have 1 shovel and a full time job. This is a life skill that everyone needs to know how to do. Like sewing on a button or patching a hem. I can check my own oil and change a tire.

Next…. I purchased some mushroom compost and have collected limbs and twine for the garden supports. The compost isn’t for the support. It is for soil amendments. Once the God digs my trenches, I will sow and transplant a variety of seedlings. I have seeds I was gonna grow directly in the ground initially anyway. And the seed company sent extra cantaloupe seeds as a gift. Those will get sown. And I will pick up a few tomato and cucumber plants. I only have precious few of those seeds left. And they were expensive! No Black tomatoes for me this year.

The weather has been questionable these days. It will be really warm like in the 80’s then drop to 40 something in the morning with a high in the 60s. I’m just not comfortable getting started when the weather is so swift and changeable. I have containers to protect the seedlings from the cold but I just rather not start until things even out. But it is April… And late April at that. Other bloggers have plants already growing in the ground in cooler places. And every time I go out there to do something it rains. ***sigh*** I know brown sugar melts when it gets wet, but I’m a have to brave these elements and do what I know I have to do. I said I wanted to be closer to nature. Put on my big girl panties, my poncho and man the eff up.

I’m hoping the nag method works with the God. If not the full moon is Thursday and I’m on it my damn self!


1 comment:

  1. My maternal grandfather was a farmer in Alabama. What I learned from him was that all of us don't have a green thumb, some of us have a brown one.
