“Serenity, Serenity quite contrary how does your garden grow?”
No damn clue!
This weekend, despite the rain… despite the God… I put on my big girl panties and dug in… literally! I went on and began my garden… again! this time directly outside and from seed. It’s almost fucking May and this is Georgia. It’s zone 7 (some say 8) for Pete’s sake. Why is so dame cold? Normally it's in the high 70's during the day and low 60's at night. Not so much this spring. I have awoken to 40's and yesterday didn't break 70. There really isn’t a reason why I should not be able to do this.
I got the God to dig me some cucumber room. That was a lot of work. Also, lettuce, celery, zucchini, and the 1st round of corn was planted. I’m planting corn in succession. And I’ve never planted corn before so I wanna screw it up in increments.
So here are some pics of my humble garden…

This is celery grown from a store bought celery stalk. they said you could regrow them and apparently you can! I have another stalk in the refrigerator. Just those two. I don't like celery, but the 7 does.

This is the Cucumber area. Lemon cukes are planted from the right to the mailbox lid (Way to repurpose some junk!) Regular cuke seeds are planted from the lid to the buried watering jug. The other side will get store bought seedlings. I haven't bought the seedlings because I don't want to keep them in the house since the other seedlings didn't take. I want to buy and plant same day. Maybe something in the house is holding them back.. IDK I just want to get them in the ground the day I get them.

This is my corn... just keep your fingers crossed.... I read everything I could find and even went out there with a ruler to make sure I was doing things right.

Here is the lettuce.... also another successive planter.

Here is the zucchini. I am only planting 4 plants. I don't really like zucchini and I heard they spread out. Why am I planting it if I don't like it? I don't like the taste of zucchini but it goes well in a lot of stuff I cook. So why not. the plants are big, and the flowers are pretty. I could freeze or dry the excess and I wouldn't have to buy any.
That's it for now. I still have Cabbage(not bought), kale(nb), cantaloupes, tomatoes (Some seeds left, mostly nb), peppers (I still have a few seeds....) and black eyed peas to plant. The BEPs are sprouting in the kitchen. I should be ready to plant those this Friday. I want EVERYTHING in the ground by Friday! That means somebody has to go out there and get this ground worked while I am at work writing these posts.
Be mindful that I am essentially growing this in my front yard. I am employing the concept of permaculture. To make it look more ornamental yet still yield the amount of food I am looking for. I have a large yard, It should work. And if it doesn't ... Oh well! Technically… my home is on a corner lot and my address is on the side so… I am really planning in my side yard and not my front!
This is slightly addicting. The more I plant, the more I want to plant! Kale and cabbage are a new additions after getting some questionable store bought kale.
In 60 days I should have some food!
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