Peace Y'all,
I almost forgot to post this. Then some one walked in my office and reminded me. So here you go!
Are you familiar with green powder? If not look at the above pic. It is a highly concentrated green powder made from... well.... green leaf veggies. The premise is that during our busy days we will not be able to eat all the greens that our bodies need. You know the same premise of V8 juice. But unlike V8, this powder is hella high.
I have acquired this powder only twice before. Once when I was balling out of control and another time some one gifted me with a whole jar. The reason why I don't always keep some on hand is because it's truly expensive. Depending on the brand and size, it can cost between $18-$40. I just can't bare paying that for green powder.
Although, I'm cheap, I do endorse it's use. Leafy greens are good for vegetarians and especially good for vegans. They contain a ridiculous amount of calcium and iron. Folks like to think the only place you can get calcium is dairy and iron from meat. Not true. But who is gonna cook and clean that stuff everyday and/or eat enough salads every day.
You can sprinkle this stuff on your food, in your beverages or in a smoothie. I promise you, It does not affect the flavor. And, if you mix it in orange juice or other citrus beverage, one teaspoon will release enough iron to constipate your stool into small black rocks! Teehee. Just playing... but not really.
But again, I ain't buying the premade stuff. It might be good, but I ain't no Kardashian with money to spend on foolishness. To me it's more of a luxury than a necessity. I was reading one of the hundreds of blogs I follow and the author had a bumper crop of Swiss chard that s/he didn't know what to do with. So they decided to dehydrate them and then grind them up in the blender. I have a dehydrator. I have a blender too. Hmmm....
I obtained some organic kale. I don't trust organic, but that's another blog. It was on sale. I had some dandelion leaves in the fridge. and some other green stuff about to go in the trash. Not that it was bad or slimy. It just wasn't pristine and pretty. I pulled the stems off as per the blog suggestion and put them in the dehydrator for 2 days. That was out of pure laziness. When I make kale chips I just put them in there for a few hours and then I tear into them. 2 days was over kill. But I wanted to be honest.
I tried to force all of it in the blender, but the blender only blended what was near the blades. My blender has shown and proven that it will kill anything I put near it so... I took it all out and blended it up in increments. It came out well broken down but it wasn't as fine as the pre-jarred powder. It looked like oregano or basil. I'm thinking about putting it in the coffee grinder and seeing if I can get it finer.
Anywho... 2 bunches of kale and the extras made a cup of powder. I'd say a cup of power is maybe $15-20. Mine cost roughly $2. And this way I get to control what's in there. I'm satisfied.
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