This weekend I began work on a baby quilt for a dear friend of mine. I bought the material months ago, but me and quilts are not the best of friends. I didn't want to start it. Every time I make a quilt, I swear that it's the last. Last time I saw her, I realized that she is getting REALLY big and I need to jump on this quilt fast if I plan to give it to her before her child is born. So I commenced to cutting Saturday morning.
I allowed my friend to do something I don’t generally allow. I allowed her to pick her own colors for the quilt. Call me a control freak, but if I’m making something as a gift and I’m laying out my own money, and I’m doing all of the work... I make ALL, not some, of the decisions. I suppose I’m mellowing out in my old age. She chose… blue, purple and camouflage (wtf?) as her chosen colors for the quilt. Where do you find camo? I went to Joanns and found everything I needed. I mid blue with 5-pointed stars on it, a lavender with hearts on it and even a soft camo. That should work whether it be a boy or a girl. I always incorporate some white/cream into a quilt. I find it lends balance. And a little red for pop factor.
It took a long time for me to decide on a pattern for this quilt. The mother is an activist and I wanted something very traditional and meaningful for the quilt. I wanted to incorporate some African American (I prefer the term ‘Black’) Underground Railroad-ish for the theme. But I decided on this Pattern. It’s called a “Mother’s Life”. And I figured that since I am Black, it will be an African American quilt since I made it.
The Mother’s Life is a really nice block, because it symbolizes that mothers give love and energy but that they also receive it back as well. I’m using the lavender, blue and red for this block. The block is not my block or a traditional block. I have learned a very valuable lesson regarding using someone else’s designs… The measurements aren’t always exact. Some of them are way off and it wastes the fabric. Fabric ain’t free and I hate using it up indiscriminately. But it’s cool. I only cut out enough fabric to make 1 square. Just to see if I liked it. I like it. And I made the necessary adjustments to my cutouts. It came out nicely though with the adjustments it turned out to be a 14” block rather than a 16” block. That’s cool. Also it took 3 hours to complete the 1 block. That doesn’t include cutting. All sewing. I still like it. That's it up top.
See the arrows out and in? Sorry my camera phone has no flash and it was dark in the room. 3 hours means when I finished it was dark!
Another thing I’m doing differently with this quilt than I have in the past is I’m using quilting thread throughout the fabrication. I don’t usually use quilting thread because it jams up my machine. But the last baby quilt I made fell to pieces and I had to take it apart and do it again. Quilter’s tread is hard and yes I had to play with the settings to keep the thread right. I finally got it together at the end. Again, it’s cool. Seriously I hope that all these adjustments make the next 3 squares go faster.
In between the main squares I decided to trim with a traditional “Crossroad” patter. That is an Underground Railroad pattern. It means that you life is about to change. I used 1:1 inch squares (a little extra for the seam allowance) in cream and camo. It’s cute and will provide a nice balance for the front of the quilt. The camo I found has some lycra knit in it. Not a lot but enough to make it look crazy here. But don’t worry. It will all work out in the end.
My only concern is the back of the quilt. I have no ideas. I’m not gonna keep with the same on the back. The only thing I have thought of is that I want the back to be chenille for the tactile differences for the baby and it will come off warmer for him/her. But other than that, I’m blank.
Oh well. I’ll post a pic of the finished blanket. Will me and the baby good intentions please!
I allowed my friend to do something I don’t generally allow. I allowed her to pick her own colors for the quilt. Call me a control freak, but if I’m making something as a gift and I’m laying out my own money, and I’m doing all of the work... I make ALL, not some, of the decisions. I suppose I’m mellowing out in my old age. She chose… blue, purple and camouflage (wtf?) as her chosen colors for the quilt. Where do you find camo? I went to Joanns and found everything I needed. I mid blue with 5-pointed stars on it, a lavender with hearts on it and even a soft camo. That should work whether it be a boy or a girl. I always incorporate some white/cream into a quilt. I find it lends balance. And a little red for pop factor.
It took a long time for me to decide on a pattern for this quilt. The mother is an activist and I wanted something very traditional and meaningful for the quilt. I wanted to incorporate some African American (I prefer the term ‘Black’) Underground Railroad-ish for the theme. But I decided on this Pattern. It’s called a “Mother’s Life”. And I figured that since I am Black, it will be an African American quilt since I made it.
The Mother’s Life is a really nice block, because it symbolizes that mothers give love and energy but that they also receive it back as well. I’m using the lavender, blue and red for this block. The block is not my block or a traditional block. I have learned a very valuable lesson regarding using someone else’s designs… The measurements aren’t always exact. Some of them are way off and it wastes the fabric. Fabric ain’t free and I hate using it up indiscriminately. But it’s cool. I only cut out enough fabric to make 1 square. Just to see if I liked it. I like it. And I made the necessary adjustments to my cutouts. It came out nicely though with the adjustments it turned out to be a 14” block rather than a 16” block. That’s cool. Also it took 3 hours to complete the 1 block. That doesn’t include cutting. All sewing. I still like it. That's it up top.
See the arrows out and in? Sorry my camera phone has no flash and it was dark in the room. 3 hours means when I finished it was dark!
Another thing I’m doing differently with this quilt than I have in the past is I’m using quilting thread throughout the fabrication. I don’t usually use quilting thread because it jams up my machine. But the last baby quilt I made fell to pieces and I had to take it apart and do it again. Quilter’s tread is hard and yes I had to play with the settings to keep the thread right. I finally got it together at the end. Again, it’s cool. Seriously I hope that all these adjustments make the next 3 squares go faster.
In between the main squares I decided to trim with a traditional “Crossroad” patter. That is an Underground Railroad pattern. It means that you life is about to change. I used 1:1 inch squares (a little extra for the seam allowance) in cream and camo. It’s cute and will provide a nice balance for the front of the quilt. The camo I found has some lycra knit in it. Not a lot but enough to make it look crazy here. But don’t worry. It will all work out in the end.
My only concern is the back of the quilt. I have no ideas. I’m not gonna keep with the same on the back. The only thing I have thought of is that I want the back to be chenille for the tactile differences for the baby and it will come off warmer for him/her. But other than that, I’m blank.
Oh well. I’ll post a pic of the finished blanket. Will me and the baby good intentions please!
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