Saturday, November 27, 2010


Peace Family.

I hope your holiday weekend is everything you wanted it to be and more.

I was in the thrift store with my mother, sharing a surprising bit of social equality. I wanted to purchase a tablecloth for my kitchen table. I knew she would be invested in it because that same table had belonged to her mother. Anything I did to improve or preserve it would be supremely welcome by my mother. So we found a winter tablecloth and some place mats. In the place mat section there were some cute cloth napkins. But they didn't match the ensemble so I passed. It got me to thinking about how I wanted to share this build.

Paper towels and paper napkins are a ridiculous waste of money. Seriously. I stopped using them years ago. For counter cleaning, I use a tea cloth. For eating I have cloth napkins. This way trees are not dying all willy nilly on my behalf. And they are not expensive either. I mean they pay for themselves with use. You can find them at any linen store or department store. Even Ikea carries napkins. B.U.T. if you want to recycle and save even more of your hard earned gold, then buy them at a thrift store.

I once bought 6 heavy white linen decorative napkins for 99 cents and the tag was a 50% off tag. Those are my fancy napkins. I have some that I monogrammed, and then the ones I use every day. I also have some beige ones. Those are the only ones I ever bought brand new. They will eventually become daily used napkins. When the ones I have wear down.

So give it some thought and definitely give it a try.


Friday, November 19, 2010

It's So Hard!

Teehee @ my title.....

Peace Family.

My goal with this blog was to make knowledge born about living a frugal yet fabulous eco-friendly life. And I don't think I have failed in what I have posted thus far. but it's hard to come up with new topics. let me tell you why....

Most blogs similar to mine are authored by the devil. The devil has never been know to be super duper in tune with the planet. It's not there and they have already expired (35,36:40). So for them all this stuff is new. Not so for us. We have always existed (9:10). The planet exists for us to use (3:14). But some of us have adopted their ways and actions (8,10,12:36) Most of the tips I come into contact with are for them and not for us.

So I will continue to labor, but don't be cross with me if the posts are few and far between. I am still tempted to make some home made washing powder.


PS: I'll take your tips too....