I wouldn't blame you if you weren't. I've been a bad blogger..... But if your still here.... Thank you for your patience.
It's that time again... Time to order the new seed catelogs! I've been ordering and ordering. I know I can browse them online, but I'm old school. I want to hold them in my hands.
The goals aren't much different than they have been... Veggie garden and flower garden.
I have already dedicated my front yard to my mother (peace be upon her) so all the flowering plants should be white. She like white. She thought that was pure and clean.
When it comes to the veggie garden.... I've decided to keep things easy. In the past I went crazy planting food I didn't particularly like i.e. eggplant. So I'm a keep things easy peasy and plant food I and only like. My husband is easy. He'll go along with what I want.
Hopefully, this is the year I will become successful
Righteous Urban Crunchiness
One Earth's attempt at Maintaining her Equality with the planet
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Saturday, February 18, 2017
2 weeks
Everything that is going to come up is coming up, I suppose. Mostly everything looks a little leggy. Maybe I have the light too close? It's not that close though. Anyway.... I know they'll keep growing. All I have to do is be patient.
I have decided to plant some cabbage. I have cabbage seed left from last year. I was going to save it for my fall garden, but who's to say I can't have summer cabbage?
I went to a friend's home for dinner last night. They made a dish that had squash eggplant, green peppers and plantain. Normally, I try to eat foods other prepare for me... But I couldn't. I don't eat any of that. I don't eat it, I don't grow it....
Everything that is going to come up is coming up, I suppose. Mostly everything looks a little leggy. Maybe I have the light too close? It's not that close though. Anyway.... I know they'll keep growing. All I have to do is be patient.
I have decided to plant some cabbage. I have cabbage seed left from last year. I was going to save it for my fall garden, but who's to say I can't have summer cabbage?
I went to a friend's home for dinner last night. They made a dish that had squash eggplant, green peppers and plantain. Normally, I try to eat foods other prepare for me... But I couldn't. I don't eat any of that. I don't eat it, I don't grow it....
Friday, February 3, 2017
Peace Y'all,
I would have posted this on the day I did it but my smart phone was acting dumb. I went on started my seeds. It seems early, but last year I planted them in May and by the time they were seedlings it was oppressively hot. I have a friend who had fruit on her plants at her 4th of July party and I didn't. A google search had me realize it was going to be like that until it cooled down. Because the heat prevented food from setting. Nights have to be in the 70's for that too happen. But I'd still have to water the plants through the heat. I didn't get all that much from my labors last year. So this year. I decided to plant freaking early! It was either 2/2 or 3/21. Next year I might wait until the equinox. We shall see what happens this year.... With a 90 days on most plants, they should be bearing fruit by May. Now is that something I want? We shall see....
So here are my seeds
Here are my seeds planted in the pellets.
Fingers crossed!
I would have posted this on the day I did it but my smart phone was acting dumb. I went on started my seeds. It seems early, but last year I planted them in May and by the time they were seedlings it was oppressively hot. I have a friend who had fruit on her plants at her 4th of July party and I didn't. A google search had me realize it was going to be like that until it cooled down. Because the heat prevented food from setting. Nights have to be in the 70's for that too happen. But I'd still have to water the plants through the heat. I didn't get all that much from my labors last year. So this year. I decided to plant freaking early! It was either 2/2 or 3/21. Next year I might wait until the equinox. We shall see what happens this year.... With a 90 days on most plants, they should be bearing fruit by May. Now is that something I want? We shall see....
So here are my seeds
Here are my seeds planted in the pellets.
Fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Garden Dreams......
I got a TON of garden catalogs so far. This is the season for planning a garden so that is right and exact. I've made a few purchases this year already. I bought seed pellets. I plan to get some actual plastic flower pots to start seeds in since those are reusable. I'm not sure if I can buy new pellets for next year that fit in the old containers. I tried Styrofoam cups and that didn't work. Idk why... Pellets make things so much easier.... But I'm going to do a comparison this season. Half pellet, half pot.
I bought a light and a growing mat. I looked at the unit where all that stuff was together... BUT.... I'm thinking no. I got the same feeling when I looked at a long armed quilting machine. It be nice to have, but how could I justify the cost or the space?
This year I'm going to grow more plants in the ground rather than bales. My bales from last year still work, so I'm going to use them this year to plant my pole beans. Last year I didn't plant nearly enough I really enjoyed the beans I got to eat. But only I enjoyed them. There wasn't enough to share. I have space in the back (I know I said I wasn't going to garden back there anymore) to plant bush beans aka black eyed peas and corn. Right off the front porch, I'm planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and watermelon. Damn what my neighbors think. I was hoping to to permaculture it but even if it's unsightly... I don't care.
I'm also planning to grow a bunch of greens: collards, kale and calallo. I like and should eat more greens. I'm planning them in a moderately shady spot. I hope that works. I'm going to try my hand at strawberries too. I have a sunny spot ready!
I bought about $30 worth of seeds and have plans to buy more. So an additional garden goal for 2017 is to learn how to save seeds.
I actually drew out a garden plan. How about that for adulting! It's complete with companion planting of marigold and basil. Last year bugs got the good stuff and I was pissed. So I've decided that I'm not above chemicals. This is my last year planting and eating everything I grow. 2018, I plan to have excess to do some canning and preservation. I'm planning a fall garden as well. But that is a far dream away.
I'm not a Wiccan, but I find that their wheel of the year is VERY useful for planning out my garden schedule. They have a holiday coming up on Thursday. I'm planning to start my seeds that day. The sunniest room in my home is the living room. When I close it off with the heat on, it's also the warmest. I'll turn space heaters on if I have to. I don't have a lot of furniture in there now so it will be my greenhouse until another Wiccan holiday of Beltane comes and I set my plants out for the duration. Lughnasadh is another holiday that starts on August 1st. I'll sow seeds for my winter garden. Wiccans planned it all out for me. And I'm taking the best part.
I plan to live in my home for a long time. So I have time to perfect the landscape. The God likes smelly plants so I'm adding some gardenias and something orange in the front. I haven't figured what, but it has to have a fragrance. I personally LOVE hydrangeas so they are going to be planted as well. I want to add some azaleas, but I don't want the yard to look hap-hazard. I don't really like the white ones, but that's what I'll probably plant for consistency. I can always add color in front of them in future years. I'm planning some pink and orange roses in memory of my mother.
I really hope this summer isn't as hot as last summer. I timed everything wrong and screwed up a lot. The big difference between this year and last year, is this summer I will have a job and can afford this hobby in addition to my sewing addiction.
So this is me rattling on... But trust and believe that I'm excited! I need this right now.
I got a TON of garden catalogs so far. This is the season for planning a garden so that is right and exact. I've made a few purchases this year already. I bought seed pellets. I plan to get some actual plastic flower pots to start seeds in since those are reusable. I'm not sure if I can buy new pellets for next year that fit in the old containers. I tried Styrofoam cups and that didn't work. Idk why... Pellets make things so much easier.... But I'm going to do a comparison this season. Half pellet, half pot.
I bought a light and a growing mat. I looked at the unit where all that stuff was together... BUT.... I'm thinking no. I got the same feeling when I looked at a long armed quilting machine. It be nice to have, but how could I justify the cost or the space?
This year I'm going to grow more plants in the ground rather than bales. My bales from last year still work, so I'm going to use them this year to plant my pole beans. Last year I didn't plant nearly enough I really enjoyed the beans I got to eat. But only I enjoyed them. There wasn't enough to share. I have space in the back (I know I said I wasn't going to garden back there anymore) to plant bush beans aka black eyed peas and corn. Right off the front porch, I'm planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and watermelon. Damn what my neighbors think. I was hoping to to permaculture it but even if it's unsightly... I don't care.
I'm also planning to grow a bunch of greens: collards, kale and calallo. I like and should eat more greens. I'm planning them in a moderately shady spot. I hope that works. I'm going to try my hand at strawberries too. I have a sunny spot ready!
I bought about $30 worth of seeds and have plans to buy more. So an additional garden goal for 2017 is to learn how to save seeds.
I actually drew out a garden plan. How about that for adulting! It's complete with companion planting of marigold and basil. Last year bugs got the good stuff and I was pissed. So I've decided that I'm not above chemicals. This is my last year planting and eating everything I grow. 2018, I plan to have excess to do some canning and preservation. I'm planning a fall garden as well. But that is a far dream away.
I'm not a Wiccan, but I find that their wheel of the year is VERY useful for planning out my garden schedule. They have a holiday coming up on Thursday. I'm planning to start my seeds that day. The sunniest room in my home is the living room. When I close it off with the heat on, it's also the warmest. I'll turn space heaters on if I have to. I don't have a lot of furniture in there now so it will be my greenhouse until another Wiccan holiday of Beltane comes and I set my plants out for the duration. Lughnasadh is another holiday that starts on August 1st. I'll sow seeds for my winter garden. Wiccans planned it all out for me. And I'm taking the best part.
I plan to live in my home for a long time. So I have time to perfect the landscape. The God likes smelly plants so I'm adding some gardenias and something orange in the front. I haven't figured what, but it has to have a fragrance. I personally LOVE hydrangeas so they are going to be planted as well. I want to add some azaleas, but I don't want the yard to look hap-hazard. I don't really like the white ones, but that's what I'll probably plant for consistency. I can always add color in front of them in future years. I'm planning some pink and orange roses in memory of my mother.
I really hope this summer isn't as hot as last summer. I timed everything wrong and screwed up a lot. The big difference between this year and last year, is this summer I will have a job and can afford this hobby in addition to my sewing addiction.
So this is me rattling on... But trust and believe that I'm excited! I need this right now.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wrap Up
I got my 1st new seed catalog in the mail yesterday and I was EXCITED!!!! All the plans I'm making and winter hasn't officially arrived. But it occurred to me that I never wrapped up my 2016 garden and share the lessons I learned...
Lesson #1:
Plant only the food that you are interested in eating. Among other things... I planted eggplant, watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumbers. I don't like any of those things. I forced myself to eat it because I grew it. I might plant cucumber next summer, but I won't make that the star.
Lesson #2:
You really do have to start early. I put seeds in the ground around April. That was a mistake. I should have put plants in the ground in April. Which means I'm going to need to start seedlings in February. It gets really hot here in the summer and a lot of plants won't set fruit if it doesn't cool down enough in the evening. A lot of my tomato plants burnt out before they set fruit. When the last frost date passes, I need to hit the ground running. Getting those plants dead in the ground.
Lesson #3:
Full sun doesn't always mean full sun. I have a truly sunny spot in my front yard, and I put a full sun plant there.... The sun burned the hell out of that plant. Even with daily watering. So be mindful.... If the plant tells you it needs "full sun" in zones 4-8, if your in zone 8.... not so much.
Lesson #4:
This is a me thing... I'm kind of lazy... I set the garden really far from the house. I had to walk more than 100 feet to get to the garden. There was no spigot out there so I had to run several hoses out to the spot to water. I found that oppressive and began resenting the garden. I'm moving everything closer to the house for next year. An issue is.... there is a lot of space over in the 2016 garden spot that I won't be using. So what do I do with it?
Lesson #5:
My herb garden didn't do shit this year. I have had better success with growing herbs in a sunny window INSIDE the house. That soooooooooo pissed me off. It can be that they were in pots because my inside herbs were in pots. I watered (not over watered) I did everything right. BUT.... they floundered and really didn't grow much more than they came when I bought them. I'm leaving them outside to see what happens come next year. Maybe they will perk up. Maybe cold will be good for them.
Lesson #6:
This is very important.... Bale gardening does work! BUT... the fruit you get will be smaller. Before you try one, ask yourself if that's something you can live with. My suggestion is to do a combo of the 2. Like don't put the cardboard down so plants can grow into the dirt.
I had planned to do a winter garden, but lost interest. I have yet to clear the space. I know, lazy....
So my garden 2017 plans will include a lot of greens, beans, tomatoes and peppers. Maybe this is the year I try to grow potatoes! We eat a ton of those. And put them closer to the house.
So between now and then, my plan is to acquire the items I need to get my garden going.
I got my 1st new seed catalog in the mail yesterday and I was EXCITED!!!! All the plans I'm making and winter hasn't officially arrived. But it occurred to me that I never wrapped up my 2016 garden and share the lessons I learned...
Lesson #1:
Plant only the food that you are interested in eating. Among other things... I planted eggplant, watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumbers. I don't like any of those things. I forced myself to eat it because I grew it. I might plant cucumber next summer, but I won't make that the star.
Lesson #2:
You really do have to start early. I put seeds in the ground around April. That was a mistake. I should have put plants in the ground in April. Which means I'm going to need to start seedlings in February. It gets really hot here in the summer and a lot of plants won't set fruit if it doesn't cool down enough in the evening. A lot of my tomato plants burnt out before they set fruit. When the last frost date passes, I need to hit the ground running. Getting those plants dead in the ground.
Lesson #3:
Full sun doesn't always mean full sun. I have a truly sunny spot in my front yard, and I put a full sun plant there.... The sun burned the hell out of that plant. Even with daily watering. So be mindful.... If the plant tells you it needs "full sun" in zones 4-8, if your in zone 8.... not so much.
Lesson #4:
This is a me thing... I'm kind of lazy... I set the garden really far from the house. I had to walk more than 100 feet to get to the garden. There was no spigot out there so I had to run several hoses out to the spot to water. I found that oppressive and began resenting the garden. I'm moving everything closer to the house for next year. An issue is.... there is a lot of space over in the 2016 garden spot that I won't be using. So what do I do with it?
Lesson #5:
My herb garden didn't do shit this year. I have had better success with growing herbs in a sunny window INSIDE the house. That soooooooooo pissed me off. It can be that they were in pots because my inside herbs were in pots. I watered (not over watered) I did everything right. BUT.... they floundered and really didn't grow much more than they came when I bought them. I'm leaving them outside to see what happens come next year. Maybe they will perk up. Maybe cold will be good for them.
Lesson #6:
This is very important.... Bale gardening does work! BUT... the fruit you get will be smaller. Before you try one, ask yourself if that's something you can live with. My suggestion is to do a combo of the 2. Like don't put the cardboard down so plants can grow into the dirt.
I had planned to do a winter garden, but lost interest. I have yet to clear the space. I know, lazy....
So my garden 2017 plans will include a lot of greens, beans, tomatoes and peppers. Maybe this is the year I try to grow potatoes! We eat a ton of those. And put them closer to the house.
So between now and then, my plan is to acquire the items I need to get my garden going.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
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